Friday, August 7, 2009

29. Joséphine

The weight of the decision was pretty heavy. She wanted to think long and hard about it and at the same time she felt completely ambivalent. She suddenly tuned into the fact that this is how she felt about a lot of things. And it made her want to feel more. So she opened the sunroof and stuck her head out until the cold wind took her breath away and made her eyes tear. Then she called him and said no.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

28. Fingerpuppet

No one had heard his real voice for a long time. He told the truth, forthwith and outright, even if it came out in a high-pitched girlie tone. It was easier this way he told himself. He didn’t think he was hiding behind anything significant since he spoke from the heart. But it was increasingly lonely and hard to make friends. And people laughed at him a lot.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

27. Joséphine

She had her party face on and a cute top. She had no expectations walking in other than a good drink and a few compliments directed her way. The hostess was gracious, the music was welcoming, the men were attractive, but it was ultimately the small talk that killed her. Either that or the shrimp cocktail.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

26. Pink Floyd

He was a collector. It was a badge of honor to find his niche. He delved into every aspect of being labeled such. But sticking to it while ignoring everything else life had to offer was starting to suffocate him. He rethought this kind of commitment and decided it was time to grow up.

Monday, August 3, 2009

25. Portrait

She was inclined to believe the best in everyone. The best part about him was that he wanted her, but in one way only. He treated her like a one-dimensional creature, a fantasy, and she was starting to figure, a whore. Time had erased her cultivated points and her potential for growth. It wasn’t her fault, but it would take years for her to realize that.