It made no difference, he thought, it was to be his lot. To him the future appeared bleak and these steps weren’t helping the dismal situation he was in. Swimming upstream was becoming an impossibility and he admitted to himself quite frankly that he was drowning no matter what he grabbed onto. It was this change in vision that would give him clarity to divine his ultimate prophecy.
Friday, February 19, 2010
117. Trash
It made no difference, he thought, it was to be his lot. To him the future appeared bleak and these steps weren’t helping the dismal situation he was in. Swimming upstream was becoming an impossibility and he admitted to himself quite frankly that he was drowning no matter what he grabbed onto. It was this change in vision that would give him clarity to divine his ultimate prophecy.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
116. Shopping for shoes
It was a favourite. Mother dragged him along guiltily but in truth it was becoming a so-called formative experience. The eye-level examination of all the shiny details was fascinating and the colour would become his palette for years to come. Later when he was asked about his influences, the Construction Worker’s Union would feel uncomfortable hearing the story of the high-heeled shoes.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
115. Subway couple
She forgave him. It was what he wanted, needed, to be swept up by arms and emotionally gathered. She could easily compartmentalize his previous actions. It wasn’t that she would let him off, but things would be sincerely different than before. He just didn’t know it yet. The false sense of security lulled him into a comfort that would make the news softer. After all, he had interrupted her coffee run.
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