Friday, January 22, 2010

106. Daisy Dukes

It was creativity with a foundation of practicality. The spirit to party freely came first but she never wanted to lose herself completely to it. She had tools to ground herself and she convinced herself that getting swept off her feet was next to impossible. But he stole the reins of control out of her grasp in one fell swoop.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

105. Billie Jeans

He didn’t know what to say to him. The fine line between cool and ridiculous had been crossed. Partial relief was there for the remnants he clung to but the rest was utterly cringeworthy. He considered turning around and leaving before he noticed him. Then he decided it was his lot in life to deliver cool to the masses one attitude and one outfit at a time.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

104. Leopard Panties

It was her last card. If this didn’t work she would have to take a completely different tact. It had always been the easiest way to get what she wanted. It felt risky as she wondered how complicated he was. Lucky for her it worked. Men are simple, she thought.

103. Liquor Glass

She wanted to admire everything about him. Some quirks she had overcome or learn to minimize. These were the things she thought of when she saw him through other people’s eyes. Unfortunately, her friend’s opinions mattered. She would have to forgive him for adding diet soda to premium liquor.