It was the only picture he had of him. He had been staring at it for years trying to figure him out, why he left, and what resemblance they had with one another. Searching within the shadows he tried to connect, emulating and adoring the image. As he got older he realized he was nothing like him and his anger rose. He buried it under a stack of record albums. Now the dude who bought the collection from him was returning the long lost photo.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
66. Seatbelt Photo
It was the only picture he had of him. He had been staring at it for years trying to figure him out, why he left, and what resemblance they had with one another. Searching within the shadows he tried to connect, emulating and adoring the image. As he got older he realized he was nothing like him and his anger rose. He buried it under a stack of record albums. Now the dude who bought the collection from him was returning the long lost photo.