I probably shouldn’t have bought those answers. But there is no way I can get caught. I hope Beth isn’t cluing in. She is being so vibey and passive aggressive. It’s impossible for her to know about Greg. So not worried about that, though it would be easier to handle than her knowing anything else, I have so much on her, she wouldn’t dare. It’s college, no one will remember a thing. And that test will finally get me through this bullshit and these people I will never see again.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
82. Beach
I probably shouldn’t have bought those answers. But there is no way I can get caught. I hope Beth isn’t cluing in. She is being so vibey and passive aggressive. It’s impossible for her to know about Greg. So not worried about that, though it would be easier to handle than her knowing anything else, I have so much on her, she wouldn’t dare. It’s college, no one will remember a thing. And that test will finally get me through this bullshit and these people I will never see again.