It was hard to believe he had been there for 30 days already. When he fled with his family he had no other place to go in the panic of it all. He felt the guilt building, as his young sons played in the aisles of the pews, rowdy one minute, solemn at others, reflecting the mood of their parents. They were all pressed into a constant state of looking inward. He felt like a prisoner of Christ.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
95. Sao Paolo church
It was hard to believe he had been there for 30 days already. When he fled with his family he had no other place to go in the panic of it all. He felt the guilt building, as his young sons played in the aisles of the pews, rowdy one minute, solemn at others, reflecting the mood of their parents. They were all pressed into a constant state of looking inward. He felt like a prisoner of Christ.