They were all taken in by him. He knew that and took full advantage of his talent to have his audience in a trance. Though his own mind often drifted; what he would eat after the show, was the costuming congruent, were the musicians with him or against him. But he never flinched or let that escape show. It was amazing what you could convince people of with smoke, lights and the drone of a rhythm he thought. As he scanned the audience with an intense stare, he decided definitely fried chicken tonight.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
61. The illusionist
They were all taken in by him. He knew that and took full advantage of his talent to have his audience in a trance. Though his own mind often drifted; what he would eat after the show, was the costuming congruent, were the musicians with him or against him. But he never flinched or let that escape show. It was amazing what you could convince people of with smoke, lights and the drone of a rhythm he thought. As he scanned the audience with an intense stare, he decided definitely fried chicken tonight.