He lay motionless cursing modern technology. They had said his hip would be better than ever. Liars. The feeling of his body slowly giving out on him was bizarre. He felt all its bits held together like a robot, the kind he used to win trophies for at the Statewide Science Fair. He was tormented by his lively mind stuck in this decrepit shell. Maybe the lady who smelled of cakes from 4F would come by, she always took the stairs.
Friday, October 9, 2009
60. Lite Brite
He lay motionless cursing modern technology. They had said his hip would be better than ever. Liars. The feeling of his body slowly giving out on him was bizarre. He felt all its bits held together like a robot, the kind he used to win trophies for at the Statewide Science Fair. He was tormented by his lively mind stuck in this decrepit shell. Maybe the lady who smelled of cakes from 4F would come by, she always took the stairs.